Friday, January 28, 2011


"Going to hardcore shows is a community." This is a community because it is a numerous amount of people, sharing in one similar interest. The shared interest, (going to shows) is what keeps the group together. The life of this community is nurtured by those involved. The needs and interests of the people involved in the community are all closely related. The number one interest is music. All people residing in such a community are focused on listening to the latest bands, hearing their favorites, or just supporting bands they've never heard of. People in this community yearn to hear the clash of drumsticks against cymbals, the thick, heavy breakdowns that leak from the guitar, and the screaming fans yelling the lyrics at the top of their lungs. A difference in musical taste amongst this community, make it hard for total and complete unity to be achieved. There is more than one type of "hardcore" music, and each person has a specific preference. The fact that I enjoy going to shows and listening to heavy music makes me a perfect candidate for this community. As long as I continue to appreciate and adore the music scene of which I am apart of, I will always fit into this community. The fact that there can be a community in which there are so many people that share the same interest in music as I do, makes the group very pleasing to me. This community gives me a place to release all of my musical opinions without being shot-down in the worst way possible. Whether it's meeting others with similar favorite bands, or messing stuff up in the pit, this "family" is one that I will always want to be a part of.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw some local bands at the Mirkwood in Arlington a few hours ago!

    I like the hardcore punk mostly.
